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Sabine is a mum and living with MS. In this series of videos, Sabine shares her experience of struggling to fall pregnant and then undergoing IVF which resulted in a successful pregnancy.

Sabine shares her experiences of starting a family while managing MS, including the unexpected need for IVF after struggling with difficulty to conceive. She describes the challenges of undergoing IVF and how she managed this, as well as the joy of finally falling pregnant via IVF.

Sabine shares her experiences of managing multiple sclerosis while undergoing IVF treatment. She discusses her decision to go off medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and the psychological impact this process had for her at the time.

Sabine talks about the emotions she felt while struggling to conceive, and also living with a diagnosis of MS, how she coped with self-doubt and feeling 'faulty.' She also discusses the importance of gathering knowledge and doing her best to prepare for the process. Sabine provides an intimate look into her struggles and resilience of becoming a mother with MS and navigating the complex path of IVF.

Sabine shares her tips for other woman who may need to undergo IVF, including the importance of utilising the support from her MS nurse and getting mental health support.

Sabine discusses the emotional highs and lows of going through IVF, the impact of stress, and her coping strategies. Sabine talks about how she navigated facing uncertainty, remaining hopeful and finding strength in maintaining her daily routines

Women's Health Resource

This video series is part of a comprehensive Women’s Health Resource designed for women living with MS, addressing key topics such as family planning & pregnancy, and menopause. This project was developed in collaboration with women living with MS.

To explore the full resource, visit:

The experiences shared in this video are based on Sabine's personal journey with multiple sclerosis, pregnancy and IVF, which was based on the medical information known at the time she went through her pregnancy and IVF. Always consult with your own neurologist, obstetrician, or healthcare provider to receive personalised advice and guidance tailored to your specific situation.