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Living with a diagnosis of MS also means living with a degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. This often manifests as wondering when symptoms might appear, when they might subside, and what the next day or even year will entail. Coping with the uncertainty and anxiety that MS can bring is vital for people managing the condition. In this webinar, psychologist Seona Ilalio will discuss how people living with a chronic condition can maintain their mental wellbeing and provide practical strategies for managing the inevitable uncertainty. Seona offers a unique perspective as someone living with a chronic condition.


Seona is a psychologist who firmly believes that being human means embracing the uniqueness of our individual journeys and she recognises the power of shared experiences in fostering connection and personal growth. Seona regards clients’ lived experiences as valuable resources and employs a range of techniques to help them reflect, explore, and build resilience. Seona is a psychologist in private practice at Livology.