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Navigating menopause and perimenopause can be challenging, especially for women with MS, as symptoms often overlap and it can be hard to know what may be causing those symptoms.

Our Perimenopause, Menopause and MS Symptoms Checklist is designed to help:

  • you identify and track symptoms, making it easier to discuss them with your healthcare team
  • help with discussing your symptoms with your GP or medical professional
  • distinguish between new and reoccurring physical, cognitive, emotional, and sexual health symptoms
  • identify the level of impact that symptoms are having on you, from a little bit to always having an impact
  • helping you to track and notice your symptoms, and to become more aware of your own health and wellbeing
  • be a useful tool you can share with friends to kickstart conversations about perimenopause and menopause, and bring awareness and sharing of experiences

How to use this checklist:

  1. Download your checklist here.
  2. Fill in your checklist.
  3. Take it to your GP or women’s health specialist and make a management plan together.
  4. Share a copy with your neurologist or MS Nurse, to keep your medical team informed of any changes in your symptoms.

Women's Health Resource

This checklist is part of a comprehensive Women’s Health Resource designed for women living with MS, addressing key topics such as family planning & pregnancy, and menopause. This project was developed in collaboration with women living with MS.
To explore the full resource, visit: