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Peer support is the act of connecting with others who are in a similar situation. By drawing on your own experience, you can share stories and feelings with people who ‘just get it’, providing each other with friendship and understanding.

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The experience [of joining an MS peer support group] was life-changing for me. Not only did I receive great and relevant information and education about MS, but I was also no longer isolated and alone.

Nichole, Peer Support Participant

Studies have found that peer support increases life expectancy, improves self-efficacy and self-care skills and reduces use of emergency services. Providers of peer support also report less depression, heightened self-esteem, and improved quality of life.

Our trained peer support volunteers are people with experience of living with multiple sclerosis or caring for someone who is.

Peer Links take place via phone and are short-term programs facilitated by our peer support coordinator. Taking place over 6 weekly 90-minute sessions, guest speakers share information on topics to prompt discussion and learning for the group.

If you’re new to peer support, have an interest in a particular topic or can’t commit to an ongoing group, Peer Links are a great option. We send out the details of each Peer Link to our registered clients by email. If you’re not sure if you’re registered or want to find out about any upcoming Peer Links that would suit you have a chat with our team.

If you can’t find a group in your area, get in touch with us and we can discuss other options.

One-on-one phone support

No matter where you live, Peer Talk means you can connect with a peer support volunteer one-on-one over the phone. You can choose to speak with someone who is living with multiple sclerosis or a fellow loved one of someone who is.

You will have a set number of calls over a period – usually 6 to 8 calls over a few months.

For more information and to get started get in touch with our MS Plus team.

Online groups

If you’d prefer to connect virtually, you can join one of our online groups that have a particular focus or topic area. The following lists the online groups currently meeting:

  • Newly Diagnosed group
    4th Thursday evening of the month, 7.30pm – 8.30pm
  • Under 30s after hours
    1st Thursday night of every month, 6:30–7:30pm or Last Tuesday of every month, 7pm – 8pm
  • Health and Wellbeing group
    4th Wednesday evening of the month, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
  • Men’s support group
    1st Thursday of the month, 1:30pm–2:30 pm or 1st Friday of the month, 12:30pm–1:30pm or Last Thursday evening of the month, 7pm – 8pm
  • Women’s health group
    4th Wednesday of the month, 7pm–8pm
  • Women in the 40 to 64 age group
    3rd Tuesday of the month from 1:30pm–2:30pm
  • Over 65s group
    1st Tuesday of the month or 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10:30am—11:30am or Last Tuesday of the month, 10:30am – 11.30am
  • After hours group for working people
    2nd Wednesday night of the month, 7pm–8pm
  • General support groups
    2nd Monday of the month or 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7pm–8pm
  • Mums with MS support group
    2nd Tuesday of the month, 1pm–2pm
  • Queer and Gender Diverse group
    last Thursday of every month, 7pm–8pm
  • Over 65s telegroup
    last Tuesday of the month, 10:30am–11:30am
  • Taking control telegroup
    1st Wednesday of the month, 12pm–1pm or 4th Wednesday of the month, 12.30pm – 1.30pm
  • Working and living with MS
    2nd Wednesday of the month or 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7pm–8pm

For more information on our online groups contact our Plus Connect team.

In person groups

We have peer support groups that meet regularly in the ACT, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria — usually fortnightly or monthly.

Each group is self-directed. Some groups get together for a casual coffee, some have discussions on specific topics and others engage in activities like singing and exercise – there is something for everybody!

You can find a peer support group in your area using the interactive map below. Once you have found your closest group, reach out to our Plus Connect staff and we will provide you with the group's details.

To search, click on the square in the top right corner of the map, to open the map in a new window. You will see a list of available groups on the left hand side or click the search icon and enter your postcode.

Can't find a group near you? Let us know and we can find another peer support option that suits your needs.